If your looking for something unique for your porch then this is for you.



The supplies you will need are :

A potato,

A tomato cage

Tree limbs

Wire and wire cutters

A sweater 


And glue gun






The first thing you will need to do is wire your 3 poles of tomato cage together.

The next step is to wire your limbs to cage. You want your greenery flowing downward. I just took a piece of wire and tacked the end piece onto top of tomato cage. You don’t need to worry about hiding the wire because you will not see the top of cage.











You will continue this process until your whole tomato cage is covered with your tree limbs. It looks like a tree when finished. If your branches are too long at the top just trim them with a hand saw.

Next you need to take your wire and double it 3 times . You will make this piece of wire however long you want the top of your hat to flop over. This wire will be wrapped in place on top of cage and the remaking wire will hang over.

This piece of wire is going to be the top flap of your hat. Now take the sweater and place the wire through one arm of the sweater.

After the wire is through the arm of the sweater place the sweater down over the top of your cage.
Now you will have the remaining arm and neck of sweater in the back of your gnome. Take the scissors and cut the back arm of the sweater off. This is going to be used to make you gnomes hands. You will need to take your glue gun and glue the opening where the sleeve was together. This will prevent your sweater from coming apart.

I just tucked the back of the sweater all in and your hat should be formed.

Next I took the potato and placed a piece of wire through it.

Take the wire and wrap it around your tomato cage to hold your potato in place.

Now take the sleeve and cut the sleeve so that you will have two pieces. You need to cut 2 mittens . A right hand and left hand.

Glue the hands in place onto your gnome.

You can use any color sweater you would like. These are adorable and easy to make. I hope you will give it a try. They will be a unique item to add to your porch.