
I love antiques and I always love going antique shopping. One of my favorite items that I found a few years ago is an old stained glass window. You can hang and old stained glass window any where in your home. The stained glass windows in the antique stores can be a little pricey which is why I want to try and create a faux stained glass window.

The main supply you will need is a decorative window film. I am using Artscape window film from Home Depot.

I am using a Magnolia print but you will find a variety of different prints.

I will be using a photo frame from the Dollar Tree as a small window frame. You can use any type of frame for this window film or you can place it directly on a window or glass door in your home.

You will want to cut the film to the size of your glass.

This film easily sticks to the glass and can be easily removed and reused . Once you have it placed onto the glass be sure to get all air bubbles out. I used my hand to run across the film and push out any air bubbles. I then placed the glass back into the frame.

I removed the small metal tabs from the frame so that they would not show through the front. Since I removed the tabs I will need to secure the glass into the frame. You can use a silicone or hot glue around the edge of the glass to secure it in place.

If you use a silicone you will need to give it a good 24 hours to dry.



I filled two small holes into the frame and added wire for hanging.

This window film is amazing and there are so many ways to add it throughout your home. This small frame can be hung in a window or in your porch. The colors in this frame will look amazing when the sun shines through it. I hope you will all get creative and give this a try.