If you have been following The Shabby Tree then you all know that I love having a variety of solar lights in my yard. Spring is right around the corner and I have been working in my yard. I want to create a few hanging lanterns that I can hang from a tree.
The supplies I will be using are:
1. One plastic garden fence from the Dollar Tree
2. One metal chain plant hanger from the Dollar Tree
3. One solar light from the Dollar Tree
4. Zip ties
5. Wire cutters
6. Scissors
7. A piece of galvanized fencing (I got this from Home Depot)
8. Black spray paint
The first step is to cut the bottom legs off of the fence. I used wire cutters to snip them off. I also cut off the connection pieces at the end of the fence. This is optional but I like it better with them off.
Once the bottom legs and end pieces were cut off I then cut the fence into four pieces.
You will then use zip ties to connect the four pieces to form your lantern. I am using clear zip ties but you can use black zip ties.
I used two zip ties at each corner.
You will then want to cut off the excess on the zip tie.
You will then want to cut a piece of the galvanized fencing for the bottom of the lantern. You can use a variety of items for the bottom of your lantern but this worked best for me. The galvanized fencing works very well for securing the solar light in place.
I cut my piece to be 6 inches by 6 inches.
You will then use a zip tie at each corner to secure the galvanized fencing in place.
You will want to only use the top piece of the solar light. I cut a piece of the wire in the center of the galvanized fence to allow the light to securely stand in the center of the lantern.
You will need to push the opening wider so that the light will fit.
You will then need to add the plant hanger to the top of the lantern. I removed one of the chains so that it gives me two chains to hang the lantern.
You will add the hooks to the top of the lantern. I squeezed the hook tight so that it would not slide around.
I then sprayed the zip ties and galvanized fence with black spray paint.
This lantern is very easy to make and will look great hanging in your yard. I hope you will all get creative and give this a try.