I find myself in the Dollar Tree a lot lately I have been seeing packs of a mesh tube that I have never used before. This mesh tubing comes in a variety of colors and I just knew there had to be something fun and easy to make with it. You all know that I have an obsession with trees of all kinds so yes we are going to create a tree ornament with it.
I picked up some packs of the green and silver mesh tubing.
Some other supplies I will be using are:
1. Cardboard
2. Scissors
3. Hot glue gun
4. Paint (I’m using green and a sliver metallic paint)
5. Twine
6. Tape measure
The first is to take the cardboard and cut out a tree.
I am painting the top part of the tree green. You will want to paint the back and front.
My tree is about 6 inches wide but you can make your tree as big or as small as you want.
Once the paint is dry you will want to add hot glue and start applying the green mesh tubing.
You will keep adding hot glue and wrapping the mesh tubing around the cardboard tree until you get to the top.
Next you will add hot glue to the trunk and start wrapping the jute.
You can cut out a variety of trees in all different sizes.
This mesh tubing comes in a variety of colors. I bought some silver and I will make the silver trees the same way.
These are so easy to make and I love how yuh can make them all different sizes. I hope you will get creative and make a few of these for your tree or to place onto a wreath.