
I have been cleaning out my closet and I seem to have a lot of jeans that don’t fit or are just to worn. We are always creating things things here at The Shabby Tree and I thought we could find a way to create some ornaments out of my jeans. We can use different sections of the jeans to create different items. The pockets look like they can make some fun and unique ornaments.

The supplies I will be using are:

1. Denim pockets from my jeans

2. Holiday napkins

3. Mod podge

4. Paint brush

5. Pipe cleaner

6. Hot glue

7. Greenery sprigs

8. Scissors

You want to cut the whole pocket out of your jeans. Once you have the pocket cut out you will cover the front with mod podge.

Once you have the mod podge on the front of your pocket you will then press on the napkin. I flipped the pocket over to trim the napkin.

I ripped some of the edges off to give it a more rugged look. You will then add more mod podge over the top if the napkin.

I sprinkled a little glitter over the napkin but this is optional.

You will add the pipe cleaner for a hanger. I added some hot glue to hold it in place.

You can place the pipe cleaner in the corner of the pocket, add the hot glue and then pinch it closed.

You can use all different types of napkins and pockets. I hope you will have fun , get creative and give this a try.