I am always crafting and I like to stain fabric and lace with instant coffee for a lot of my crafts. We have been getting creative with different colored stains lately and I decided I wanted to experiment with Rit Dye. I have never used Rit Dye before but I knew it would work perfect on a few of our crochet items that we have here at The Shabby Tree.

The supplies I will be using are:

1. Rit Dye (colors I’m using are chocolate brown, teal and apricot orange)

2. Container or bucket

3. Rubber gloves

4. Salt

5. Vinegar

6. Warm water

7. Crochet clothing from our online boutique




I added warm water to a container and added one cup of salt. You will want to use a big enough container to fit your clothing item in. Once I added the cup of salt to the warm water I then poured in some of the Rit dye. I did not measure how much Rit dye. You will slowly add the Rit dye to see how dark you want the color to be. The directions said to let the item soak for at least 30 minutes in the dye. Once it was done soaking I then washed the item in the wash and I added vinegar to the wash to help with the color.

I soaked my first item in the apricot orange and then I dipped the top and the bottom ends in the chocolate brown dye.

The second shirt I dipped in the chocolate brown.





I did a different crochet Item for the teal colored Dye.

I dipped a few areas of the teal colored item into the chocolate brown. That was not planned but I ended up getting a few spots of the brown onto the teal so I decided to just dip a few of the spots into the brown dye.

I just love how these turned out and I hope you will get creative and give this a try.