Last year, we had a blast with our circus-themed Halloween! The Shabby Tree Crew was all so cute in their costumes, and I just wanted to jump on here and show them off!
















Up first, the ring leaders, of course: Mr. Wally and me! This is pretty accurate for the Shabby Tree. We are the chaos coordinators!









Next up is our magician, Kellie Sue, which is again pretty accurate because every day she performs magic at The Shabby Tree. From taking care of your orders to helping me with my home decor, she really is magical!









If the Shabby Tree were going to have a lion tamer, it would definitely be Hope!

















Here are our three AMAZING shippers: Courtney, Melissa, and Bea! I just love their adorable costumes. They are such a great team and work so hard to keep orders going out quickly. Courtney makes the perfect fortune teller, while Melissa and Bea look so cute as our clowns!



















Our boutique side had a lot of fun with their costumes too! Joy makes a great clown, Mrs. Deboard is our strongman, Morgan was our very own bearded lady, and what is a circus without popcorn? Mrs. Carrie makes a great popcorn vendor!





We had so much fun last year, and I can’t wait to show you what we have planned for this year! If you want to check out any of the costumes, I have them on my Amazon storefront!