I seem to have a lot of empty water bottles and I wanted to find a way to recycle them but in a creative way. We have created a few kids crafts in the past using recycled water bottles and we even created a tree out of them. Fall is right around the corner so I thought it would be fun to give a pumpkin a try.

The supplies I will be using are:
1. Empty water bottles
2. Orange and brown spray paint
3. Scissors
4. Hot glue or paper clips
5. Spanish moss

The first step is to cut the bottoms off of the water bottles as shown in photo above.

I will be using 11 water bottles for one pumpkin.

I used a rustic orange colored spray paint . You can spray the inside or outside of the water bottle. I did the inside but I also added some to the outside.

I sprayed one brown for the stem to the pumpkin.

Once you have all the pieces painted it is time to attach them together to form the pumpkin.

I started using the hot glue but I found it much easier to use paper clips. The hot glue was melting the plastic and it was very hot to hold together.

I added some Spanish moss to the top along with a cute hang tag.

You can do the same process and create a tree. This is a fun way to recycle and get creative. I hope you will have fun and give this a try.