
While browsing the craft aisles at Walmart recently, I spotted a large wooden hang tag that instantly sparked a holiday DIY idea. We have a fun Santa towel available on our website, and I knew it would look adorable displayed on this tag!







The supplies that I’m using are listed down below.

1. One large wooden hang tag from Walmart

2. One Santa dish towel from our website

3. Fabric Mod Podge

4. Scissors

5. Paint brush

6. Hot glue

7. Silver tinsel

8. Small iron

9. Parchment paper

10. Spackling

11. Pearls with a flat back

12. White sparkle glitter

Start by applying a thin, even layer of Mod Podge to the surface of your wooden hang tag. This adhesive base helps secure the Santa towel and ensures it will lay flat. Be sure to cover the entire tag, especially the edges, so the towel adheres smoothly without any lifting.

Allow the Mod Podge to dry for a minute or two until it’s tacky but not fully dry. This will give a better hold for the fabric. Then, carefully place the Santa towel on top, pressing down gently to smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles. Make sure to align it just how you’d like it to appear on the hang tag!

Once you have the towel in place you’ll then add a piece of parchment paper on top.