I’m always shopping Goodwill and can’t seem to ever leave a cool vase or bowl there. I have accumulated a lot of glass dishes and wanted to make a unique Mother’s Day gift. I believe everyone out there loves birds and bird feeders so this item can be for almost anyone.
First the supplies you will need for this project. You will need two dishes or bowls of your choice and some type of vase , a drill, glass drill bit, long hook with nuts on end( I found this hook at True Value), two rubber washers, and E6000 glue.
First you will drill a hole in center of plate that will be the top of your bird feeder.
This is the hole that your hook is going to go through. You will place the hook into with a rubber washer and nut on both sides of dish.
Once your hook is secure and in place on your top plate it is time to glue the vase to both plates.
Just place glue on both ends of your vase and secure all three pieces together. Give it a good 24 to 48 hours to dry . This can be hung in a tree or on your porch.
Love your blog
Iam so scared to drillmy glass i have over 300 matching pieces glass,bowls,plates pitcher is there a trick not ti brrak speical drill or bit?