
Spring will soon be coming and it’s time to start thinking about how we want to decorate for it. I have been looking through my craft supplies and I came across a few hangers. These are velvet non-slip hangers and they will work perfect for creating a quick and very easy butterfly.

You can find these hangers in a variety of stores. I buy mine from Marshall’s and Home Goods.

The supplies that I’ll be using for this butterfly are:

1. Two velvet non-slip hangers

2. Hot glue

3. Lace material

4. Burlap

5. Recycled paper towel roll

6.Elmer’s glue

7. Scissors

8. Gold glitter

9. Needle nose pliers or wire cutters

10. Wired jute cord from the Dollar Tree

The first step is to remove the hanger part as shown in photo above.

The next step is to cover each hanger with the lace material. I’m using lace but you can use any material that you want.

I added hot glue to the hanger and then added the lace.

I pressed the lace down onto the hanger. Be sure to pull your material tight so that you don’t have any sagging.

Once you have the material glued onto the hanger you’ll then cut the excess material off.

You will cover both hangers with the material as shown in photo above. You want to be sure to cover the correct side of the second hanger so that the hangers form the look of wings.

The next step is to cover the paper towel roll with the burlap. I’m using burlap but you can use any material that you want. I wrapped the burlap around the paper towel roll twice and then glued the end in place.

I added some hot glue to the inside end of the paper towel roll and tucked the burlap in.

I wanted my butterfly to have some sparkle so I added glitter to the hanger.

I used Elmer’s glue and a gold glitter.

I covered both hangers with the glitter.

I cut a piece of the wired jute to create some antennas. You’ll add some hot glue to the inside of the paper towel roll to hold the antennas in place.

I cut a piece of the burlap to shove into the paper towel roll.

I shoved some burlap into each end of the paper towel roll.

The next step is to glue the paper towel roll onto the wings. Be sure to add the glue onto the backside of the paper towel roll.

I added some glue onto the hangers and onto the paper towel roll.

This butterfly is so easy to make and you can make it any color or style that you want. You can hang this any where in your home for Spring. I hope you’ll get creative and give this a try.