Easter is right around the corner and I thought this would be the perfect time to make a unique cross. We have made a few crosses in the past but I want to create a very simple and unique cross that can be incorporated into your decor.
The supplies that I’ll be using are:
1. Cardboard
2. Hot Glue
3. Moss
4. Seven while lunch bags
5. Elmer’s glue
6. Gold glitter
7. X-acto knife
8. Paint brush
The first step is to cut two strips of cardboard.
The first strip is 17 inches long and 2 inches wide. The second strip is 10 inches long and 2 inches wide.
I glued the 2 strips together to form the shape of a cross.
Once I had the cross formed I then glued the moss over the cardboard.
Once I had the cross covered with the moss I then created flowers out of the white lunch bags.
You will put your hand up into the bag. Use your fingers to grab the bottom inside of the bag and start twisting the bag.
You will keep twisting the bag until you get down to the end of the bag.
Once you get the flowers formed you’ll then glue them onto the cross. I placed hot glue onto the back side of the flower and pressed it down onto cross.
You can always add more hot glue if needed once you have your flowers glued on.
I painted some Elmer’s glue onto the flowers and then sprinkled on the glitter.
I glued some extra pieces of greenery onto the sides of the cross as shown in photo above. You can find the greenery that I used by clicking the link down below.
This cross is very easy to make and will look great any where in your home. I hope you’ll get creative and give this a try.