Spring is around the corner and I was wanting to make something fun for my dough bowls and trees. I found some plastic baseballs in the Dollar Tree and I knew they would work great for making rag balls.





The supplies you will need are:

1. Material ( I’m using muslin from Hobby Lobby)

2. Ribbons (optional)

3. Plastic baseballs from Dollar Tree

4. Scissors

5. Glue gun



The first thing you will want to do is cut slits into your material. I’m cutting my slits about an inch wide.



You want to cut and then rip the strips to the grain of the fabric. Ripping in the grain of the fabric will give you an even rip.





I am using about 3 strips per ball. My strips are 47 inches long.





I just add a drop of glue onto the ball and then wrap my strip in all directions.





You can add some glue here and there as you wrap your strip around the ball.





You want to put some glue to hold down the end of your strip.



You want to keep wrapping until the ball is completely covered. I want my ball to have a more finished look so I cut some thinner strips to help secure everything in place.





You wrap the thinner strip same way as your thicker strip .





You can add color to your balls by adding some strips of ribbon. I am using a variety of tan ribbons.




You can make a variety of colors. These are fun to add to dough bowls or place in your everyday trees.





These are fun and very easy to make. I hope you all enjoy this DIY and give it a try!