
We’re always walking through the Dollar Tree trying to find items to get creative with. One of my favorite items from the Dollar Tree is their tin cookie sheets. We have used these cookie sheets for a few of our Diy’s before. I want to make some quick and very easy small tin flowers using these Dollar Tree cookie sheet.

I always like to cut the edge of the cookie tins off as shown in photo above.

I created a pattern for the petals to my flowers. You can create any shape and size petals that you want.

Cut your petal pattern out and then trace it onto the cookie tin.

I’ll be using 8 petals for each flower.

Once you get the petals traced onto the cookie tin you’ll then cut them out.

I’ll be using a larger round felt protector for the larger petals and a smaller round felt protector for the smaller petals.

You’ll peel the paper off of the felt protector. The felt protector will have a sticky side where you’ll be attaching the petals. I added some hot glue for extra support when adding my petals.

You’ll do the same process for all of your flowers.

Once my flowers were made I then added some Rub’n Buff.

I used the Gold Leaf on a few of my flowers and I also used the Spanish Copper on a few.

You can paint these flowers any color that you want.

I glued some wire to the back side of some of the flowers.

You can add some bling, bells or buttons to the center of the flowers.

These flowers are very easy to make and can be added to so many different thing. I hope you get creative and give these a try.