
I recently bought some carrot brush trees from my Dollar Tree Plus. After looking through my Easter decorations I know that I want to add these trees to some type of flower pot.

These trees are $3.00 each from Dollar Tree Plus.

The supplies that I’ll be using are:

1. One 8.25” terra cotta pot from Walmart

2. One wooden bunny cut out from Amazon

3. Two carrot brush trees from Dollar Tree Plus

4. Two 12” half spheres from our website

5. Gold metallic spray paint by Krylon

6. Glorious Gold metallic acrylic paint by DecoArt

7. Gold glitter

8. Polyurethane spray paint

9. Paint brush

The first step is to spray paint the bunny cut out and the terra cotta pot.

Once the spray paint was dry I then added some of the Glorious Gold to the bunny cut out.

I sprinkled some gold glitter over the paint.

Once I had the glitter on I then sprayed on a Polyurethane spray.

I’m using some brown shipping paper to secure the items into the pot.

I removed the white raffia bow from the trees. Once I had the bows removed I then added the trees to the terra cotta pot.

I added one half sphere towards the back of the pot and then added the bunny.

You can find this half sphere on our website by clicking the link down below.


You can find the bunny that I used on my Amazon store front by clicking my referral link down below.


The glitter that I used can be found on 143 vinyl by clicking my referral link down below.


This was so easy to make and will look great any where in my home. I hope you’ll get creative and have fun when decorating your home.