We’ve been making a lot of pumpkins here at The Shabby Tree and I thought it would be fun to change things up. I went to the Dollar Tree to check out all of their Halloween decorations and A few items caught my eye. They have a wooden house cut out that we can easily turn into a fun light up Halloween house.

The supplies that I’ll be using are:

1. Two wooden house cut outs from the Dollar Tree

2. Three 4×6” canvas frames from the Dollar Tree

3. Hot glue

4. One pack of flexible cutting mats from the Dollar Tree

5. Black spray paint

6. Yellow spray paint

7. One 5watt clip light from our website

The first thing that I did was spray paint both wooden house cut outs with the black spray paint.

I also spray painted all three canvases with the black spray paint.

Be sure to spray paint both sides off all of them.

The next thing that I did was spray paint both cutting mats with a yellow spray paint. I only spray painted one side of the cutting mats.


I did not completely cover the cutting mats with the yellow paint because I want the light to shine through.

Once the paint was all dry I then traced the houses onto the cutting mats.

I cut the cutting mats out but I cut them smaller so that the cutting mat won’t show at the the edge of the house.

I added hot glue to the house and then placed the house onto the cutting mat.

I will be adding one house behind the other so I wanted to make sure I had both houses facing the same way when I added the cutting mat.

You can add more hot glue to the cutting mat where needed.

I will not glue the canvases to the back side of one house.

I will be adding a canvas to each side and one to the center.

The center canvas is where I’ll be adding the clip light.

I added more hot glue to each canvas and then placed the second house on top with the good side facing down.

I place a hole into the center canvas and added the clip light.

I placed the clip light up into the hole and then screwed in the light bulb.

Once the house was complete I then added some small decorations from the Dollar Tree.

I glued some skeleton arms onto the inside and hung a skeleton from the top.

This fun light up Halloween house is so quick and easy to make and will look great added to my Halloween decorations. I hope you’ll get creative and give this a try.