
I’m a huge crafter and I am always saving my paper towel and toilet paper rolls. We have done a few DIY’s using these items here at The Shabby Tree but I came up with a really fun idea for fall! If you love decorating for Fall and you looking to make some cute and easy pumpkins then you’re going to love this idea!

The supplies you will need are:

1. Toilet paper or paper towel rolls

2. Scissors

3. Spray paint (I’m using an orange and a mint green)

4. Glue gun

5. Twine

6. Paper (I’m using some packing paper from a package we got in the mail)

The first step is to paint your paper rolls.

I am using spray paint but you can also use a basic acrylic paint.

Once your rolls are painted and dried you will want to cut them.

You can cut your rings as wide as you want. I am cutting mine about an inch wide.

I am using 2 toilet paper rolls to create one pumpkin. I then took a piece of twine and slipped the twine through all of the rings.

Once I had the shape of the pumpkin I wanted I then tied a knot.

You now need to make the stem of your pumpkin.

I am using some packing paper to create a stem. I folded it into the shape of the stem I wanted and then I wrapped twine around it.

You can probably use a piece of the toilet paper roll to create a quick and easy stem. Once your stem is finished you just insert it into the center of the pumpkin.

You can create these pumpkins in a variety of colors.

These are very quick and easy to make and would look great in a small tree or even in a dough bowl. I hope you will all get creative and give them a try.