Ok Christmas is over and the stores are having some great sales on their Christmas ornaments. I always try to keep my eye out for ornaments that can be used for other holidays. Target had a few boxes of Christmas ornaments on sale that I knew would work perfect for a Valentine tree.
These ornaments are a beautiful pink and they will be perfect for a quick and easy Valentine tree.
The first step is to find a container for your tree. I’m going to use a large recycled green bean can for my tree container.
I painted the can with a cream colored chalky finish paint by DecoArt.
I added a small tree to my container and added a strand of 50 lights from our website. You can find the link for the tree and lights down below.
I decided to create a few paper hearts to add to the tree.
You can find all different printed scrap book paper in the craft stores. I cut out a few hearts and added some Elmer’s glue and glitter to the edges.
I cut a few silver pipe cleaners to use as hangers for the hearts and ornaments.
This was such a quick and easy tree to make and I hope it will inspire you to take a second look at some Christmas ornaments.