I found myself in Target and I just had to buy a few things from their dollar spot. They had a variety of Valentine items and I want to give a few of them a makeover. They had a wooden heart that I think we can easily makeover.
This heart is in the dollar spot at Target for five dollars.
The items that I’ll be using for this makeover are:
1. One wooden heart from Target
2. Hot glue
3. One bouquet of flowers from our website
4. One small dowel or kabob stick
5. Drill with drill bit
6. Oak colored gel stain by DecoArt
7. Paint brush
8. One wooden spool from our website
I painted the entire wooden heart with the oak colored gel stain.
I drilled a hole at the bottom center of the heart. You’ll want to drill your hole the size of your dowel.
I stained the dowel and placed it into the hole.
You’ll want to cut the dowel to the length of the spool. You can add some hot glue to the dowel and bottom area of the heart.
The next step is to cut the flowers off of the stems. You’ll want to try and see where you’ll want to glue the flowers onto the heart. I moved them around a bit before adding the hot glue.
I added a few of the leaves here and there.
I added hot glue to the back of each flower to secure them onto the heart.
I decided to add a little moss at the bottom area of the heart.
I also decided to add a little glitter around the edge of the heart.
I love how the glitter added a touch of sparkle.
This was so easy to make and I can’t wait to add it to my mantel for a touch of Valentine. I hope you’ll get creative and give this a try.