I have been doing a little decorating in our Christmas room at our warehouse. We have a 7 1/2 ft flocked Christmas tree that has a variety of ornaments on it which have been made by our followers. I decided to add another 7 1/2 ft flocked tree but this one is a thinner tree. This tree will be our snowman tree and filled with a variety of snowman ornaments. These ornaments will be ornaments that we have made here at The Shabby Tree or ornaments that our followers have made.
The flocked tree is from Walmart and the number on the box is T10.
I placed the tree in a tree rotating stand and the box around the tree is a tree collar from Walmart. This is a prelit tree, but I also added two sets of our twinkle lights that we have on our website.

Once I had the twinkle lights added I then started adding some ribbons.
I will twist some of the branches around the ribbon as I wrap the ribbon around the tree.

I mixed some burlap ribbon with the black and red check ribbon.

I added the snowman hat tree topper that we made here at The Shabby Tree.

There are so many fun and unique snowmen on this tree.

Our Christmas room is full of creativity and inspiration from all of our amazing followers. I hope you enjoy our snowman tree as much as we do.