
If you’re following The Shabby Tree then you have heard me say that I am not a good bow maker. I love to incorporate bows onto wreaths but I just never seem to like how mine turn out. After doing a little research I have realized there is an easy way to create a rag bow. You will love how easy this bow is to make.

The supplies I will be using are:

1. Material (I am using Muslin and homespun and I would say get about a yard of each)

2. Ribbons (I am using cream crochet ribbon I purchased from Amazon)

3. Scissors

4. A large bling embellishment (optional)

You can use any type of material for this rag bow. I like the muslin and homespun because it is the same on both sides.

My piece of material is about 46 inches long and then I will be ripping strips about one wide.

You can rip your strips as wide as you want and you can make them as long as you want. I love this rag bow because it is very easy to create and you do not have to worry about any of your strips being perfect.

I’m not sure exactly how many strips I ripped. It is easier if you rip all of your strips before creating the bow. I coffee stained a few of my muslin strips and I will be adding a few strips of crochet ribbon. You can add strips of yarn, ribbon or twine with your strips of fabric.

The first step is to lay down one long strip of fabric and find the center. You will want to start adding other strips across the center in a zig zag method.

You can make these zig zags as wide as you want. This will form the top of your rag bow.

I continued adding my strips and alternating the fabric as I went.

Do not make them all perfectly even . You will want to cross cross them but not in an evenly straight line. I did not count how many strips I added. You will keep adding the strips until you feel that your bow will be full enough.

Once you added all the strips you will use the long strip to tie them all together. I brought both strips up and cross crossed them and then flipped the bow over.

You will tie a double knot to secure all the strips in place.

This will be the top part of the rag bow. You now need to create the bottom part.

You will want to just start laying out a bunch of strips.

It is fun to add different textures. I added the fabric strips, the crochet ribbon strips and a few soft chenille strips.

You will want to find the center of your strips and gather them all together.

You will use the two strips of fabric from the knot you tied to attach your strands.

Tie another double knot around the cluster of strands.

I used hot glue to attach a bling pendant onto the center of the bow.




This bow is so easy to make and I just love how it turns out. There are so many ways to get creative with this bow. I hope you will all have fun and give this a try.

You can find the ribbons I used through my Amzaon affiliate link here: https://amzn.to/3yj9jjV