Ok we do a lot of DIY’s here at The Shabby Tree and I just found a bunch of sisal rope in one of my containers. It’s Christmas time and I have a lot of small trees that I like to put around my home. I knew there had to be a quick and easy way to make some containers using the sisal rope.

The only supplies you will need for this are:

1. Hot glue

2. Sisal rope

I am making a container for a certain tree that I have. I took all of the burlap off of the base so I can see how wide I will need my container to be.

You will start adding hot glue as you wrap the sisal rope.

You will keep adding hot glue as you continue wrapping the rope.

This will be the bottom of your container. I am making mine big enough for the base of my tree.

Once you have the bottom done you will start to glue the rope up. I start to add the glue to the top of the last layer of your bottom.

You will then start to continue wrapping and forming the sides of your container.

When my container is at the height I want I then cut off the end of the sisal rope.

You will then glue your end in place.

This is so easy to make and turns out amazing. I like using the sisal rope because you don’t notice the hot glue as much as you would if you used a brown twine.

You can add some ribbon to the top of your container or place a doily over the top.

This container is so easy to make and can be used for so my different things. You can make this as big or as small as you want.