Christmas is quickly approaching and I’m starting to pull out my decorations. My favorite tree that I put up in my house is my 9ft Christmas tree in my living room. My living room is always decorated with vintage Santas. I recently found some placemats in Home Goods that I think will be perfect for making me a tree topper for my 9ft tree.

The placemats that I found have an amazing Santa face in the center of each placemat.

The two main supplies that I will need for this tree topper are a small safety cone from the Dollar Tree and hot glue.

I’ll also be using two candle rings from our website and scissors.

The first step is to cut the bottom edge of the safety cone off.

You’ll add hot glue to one side of the safety cone as shown in photo above.

You’ll place the safety cone onto the back side of one placemat. Be sure that the Santa head is facing the correct way on the other side.

Place hot glue onto the other side of the safety cone as shown in photo above.

Place the second placemat onto the safety cone.

Do not glue the placemats together yet.

You’ll want to get some type of greenery sprigs to glue around the placemats. I cut apart candle rings that we have on our website. You can click the down below to find the candle rings that I’m using.

You’ll add hot glue to a small section and then add some of the greenery.

You’ll add pieces of greenery going around the placemats but skipping the bottom area.

This will look great placed on top of any tree for Christmas. I hope you’ll get creative and give this tree topper a try.