
I recently came across Gallery Glass in Hobby Lobby and I knew we had to give it a try. This is so easy to use and gives a stained glass effect.

You can find the Gallery Glass in a variety of colors.

You can find pattern packs to use for the Gallery Glass or you can just draw your own pattern.

You can also find blank surfaces as shown in photo above. I like to use clear glass vases to create a stained glass candle holder.

The first step is to decide what item you want to use the Gallery Glass on. You will see how I like to apply it to a clear glass container down below.

I taped a paper pattern onto the inside of my glass container.

The first step is to draw the outline of your pattern with the black Gallery Glass. You’ll want to let the black dry before moving onto the next step.

Once the black outline is dry you’ll then start filling in with your colors. This is very easy to do and I find it very relaxing.

I did this sunflower on a live and forgot to take a finished photo before I shipped it out to one of our followers.

I have used the Gallery Glass on a few different items giving them a stained glass look. My favorite item is my tree candle holder. I used a round glass container and used the black Gallery Glass to draw some trees going around the container.

Once the black was dry I filled the trees in with Ivy Green and the sky was filled in with Blue Bird.

Gallery Glass is so easy to use and you’ll love the finished look that you get. I hope you’ll get creative and give it a try.