I am obsessed with trees and I wanted to make a tree that I can leave out all year long! This turned out so cute and I’m excited for you all to give it a try. The supplies you will need are:
1. A tomato cage
2. Wire
3. Jute
4. String
5. Material (I’m using Burlap, old lace curtains and an old bread spread)
6. Wire cutters
7. Scissors.
First step it to take the wire and add extra wire rings to your tomato cage. You will start at the largest ring of your cage. This is going to be the bottom base of your tree.
Come up the poles of the tomato cage about 1 and 1/2 inches. You will tie the wire in place with your jute string.
You will continue this process until you get to the top.
Once you get to the top you need to pull the 3 wire poles together to form the top of you tree. Secure them in place by wrapping the wire around them. Then take some jute string and tie it all in place.
Your wired tree is now ready for your material. You will need to cut your material into strips. I really don’t measure my strips I just cut them into strips about 1 and 1/2 to 2 inches wide.
I found it easiest to cut all my material into long strips and then cut those long strips into shorter strips as I’m wrapping. You’re going to take your long strips and cut about a 12 inch strip to wrap and knot around each wire ring.
This tree is going to be a shaggy rag tree so I didn’t worry about everything being exactly measured out.
You’re going to continue wrapping and knotting your strips around the wire rings. I alternated my fabrics as I went.
You will continue this process all the way to top of tree. Your tree will look like the tree in the background when you get to the top.
You can add a star to the top or leave it plain. This is an amazing shabby chic tree and I hope you give it a try!

Love this idea. Love the Shabby Tree. Your tree looks awesome!
LOVE this tree idea! As soon as we can get out I need to purchase a tomato cage. I have fabric and twine ready to go 🙂🌲
One of my favorite ideas. I am waiting to for tomato cages to come out at stores and I am making this tree to stay up all year round.
I now have two trees that you suggested that will be up all year.
Love your style and ideas 😊
I cant see any of the pictures…are they somewhere else?
I can’t wait to make this tree this weekend … love watching you and your ideas are amazing 🙂
I have a question. Do you have any idea of how much material I will need? I’m thinking of using a sheet and some lace curtains but I’ll have to buy some burlap.
Love the blogs. Started cutting my material to make this tree.
How much fabric do I need for this tree?
I see you have also done grapevine trees, I made 3 for my porch last year after pulling tons of grapevine growing in my bushes last year.
Got my tomato cages, (yes, more then one!). Burlap, lace, and cream coloured burlap all cut, and ready to start…also am making your Gnomes…I’m excited….thank you for the fun ideas…
When did you put the lights on the tree…before or after the material.
Do you add the lights before or after you put the fabric on?
Thanks for all your craft tips!!!
Hi can’t wait to make it. I made out of a tomato cage, a Christmas tree
I’m already gathering the materials needed. I can’t wait to do this. This is a great project to share with friends. Two or three people could wipe it out a lot faster than just one. I’m so glad I found you on FB!!
How much Burlap did you end up using. looks like 4 or 5 yards.
Love the tree!! Can’t wait to try this!!!
Beautiful. I’m going to try this.
I really want to try this. What is this going to look like after a rain storm?
You probably should just keep it inside
love the treei see you use blue an black too love it
Very cute. I’m going to try a smaller version of this. Love your vibes!
Looks Amazing how many strips did you do before you change the color of Fabric
Beautiful! I’m going to give it a try. Thanks again 😊😊
Cant wait to give this a try, love your shabby ideas. your my kind of girl!!
You are so creative!!
I love all your ideas
I love the tree 🌲 I have my tomato cages all ready just need to get the lace and burlap, thank you for all the Great ideas Love your page ❤️❤️
Approximately how many yards of fabric would you estimate each tree to take?