I love to decorate for all holidays and it is time to start thinking about Valentine’s Day. Christmas is over and I seem to have a lot of empty rolls of wrapping paper. We have made a few crafts using paper towel and toilet paper rolls and I just knew that the wrapping paper rolls would work great for some Valentine decorations.

The supplies I will be using are:

1. Wrapping paper rolls

2. Glue gun

3. Scissors

4. Elmer’s glue

5. Silver glitter

6. Cream chalk paint

The first step is to cut the wrapping paper rolls. I am cutting rings about an inch wide.

You will need to flatten the roll to cut the rings.

You can create these hearts as big as you want. I will be using about 14 to 18 rings for one heart.

I formed my heart to see how many rings I will be using. Once I had all my rings cut I then painted them all with the cream chalk paint. I painted the inside and outside of the rings.

Once the rings were all painted I poured some of the Elmer’s glue into a small bowl and some of the glitter into a small bowl.

I dipped one side of each ring into the Elmer’s glue and then dipped them into the glitter.

I set all of the rings aside to dry with the glitter sides facing up.

Once the Elmer’s glue and glitter was all dry I then started to glue the rings together to form my heart.

I started glueing the top center of the heart together first.

I continued glueing them all together until my heart was formed. You will need to pinch the rings together until the hot glue is dry.

These are fun and easy to make. You can create these in a variety of sizes and colors.

This heart will make a fun decoration in your home. I hope you will get creative and give it a try.